Also referred to as a 50C, a Civil No-Contact Restraining Order is meant to protect victims of nonconsensual sexual conduct or stalking. It offers similar protections to that of a 50B DVPO, while not requiring a “personal relationship” needed for a DVPO. The 50C is typically against a neighbor or co-worker as opposed to a spouse or partner, and can be granted for up to one year.
In order for a victim to qualify for a 50C…
- The defendant must be at least 16 years old;
- Must be the victim of unlawful conduct, defined as nonconsensual sexual conduct or stalking;
- The nonconsensual sexual conduct or stalking must have occurred in North Carolina.
If the abuser violates the Order, the Order can be enforced through contempt of court. Examples of how the Order may be violated by the defendant are if they:
- Visit, molest, or interfere with you otherwise;
- Continue stalking you at home, work, or other areas;
- Continue harassing you;
- Continue contacting you by phone, social media, or written means;
- Continue abusing or hurting you;
- Enter/stay at your home, school, workplace, or specific places when you are present.