If you have children, determining child custody is a crucial part of the divorce process. Each state has custody laws, so reviewing them before divorce proceedings is essential. In North Carolina, two specific types of custody are legal and physical. Rech Law, P.C. can explain these types of custody and what they mean for you and your child.
Legal Custody
Legal custody refers to the parent's ability to decide for their child. Typically, North Carolina awards joint legal custody. This means that both parents can make decisions about their child’s life. For example, both parents will decide where the child will attend school and how medical issues are handled.
However, there are times when the courts feel that only one parent must make decisions for their child.
Physical Custody
Physical custody refers to where the child lives and spends their time. Within physical custody, there are also sole and joint distinctions.
When a parent has sole physical custody, the child spends most of their time with one parent. However, the other parent may occasionally have visitation rights and see the children. If the child is unsafe with the other parent, the courts will not award visitation rights, and one parent will have custody.
Joint physical custody typically means the child splits their time evenly between parents. They may switch weeks, go on weekends, or spend months at another parent’s house. Again, these decisions are made based on the best interests of the children involved.
Custody Assistance in NC
While the courts determine specific custody orders, that does not mean that they cannot change over time. If you and your spouse need to alter your custody arrangements, contact an experienced family law team. Our child custody lawyers in Charlotte, NC, understand the importance of making the best decisions for your children.
Reach our team today at (704) 659-0007 for more information about child custody arrangements in North Carolina.